Annual Run Broadway!

Up and down again! The weather is ever changing for this fine day in February, but you can always count on the love from Broadway hill. Join AARC this Saturday, February 10 at 7:11am. REGISTER for free here!

Join us tonight as we put some pep in our step with short and fast running. Keep it short and stay within your ability. Cut it off so you can recover for tomorrow. Don’t do anything today to jeopardize your run tomorrow!



10-15 X 1:00 HARD / 1:00 EASY

finish up at aarc


**All workouts leave from AARC Ashley at 6:05 pm.

**Free to all, courtesy of AARC and the Ann Arbor Tri Club

All abilities are welcome and the workouts are written to be adjusted to each runner’s individual needs. They are time based intervals or hills that aim to leave no runner behind. Whether you are training for a sprint tri race series or this year’s late summer DXA2 run, or even a fall marathon, you can benefit from this training. Workouts are based at a local track or hill and start from AARC at 6pm. This allows runners to bring along a drink and drop it at the workout location. Please note that AARC closes at 6pm. ***Each runner is responsible for assessing their fitness and readiness to participate. Each runner is responsible for choosing their own workout and understanding the risks associated with demanding physical activity. This information is available for runners to help themselves, no prescription is intended.***